The Waiting Place!
Updated: Nov 3, 2020
As identified in Dr Seuss “Oh, the places you’ll go”, The waiting place is a most useless place, people just Waiting, for a train to show, for or a bus to come or a plane to go or the mail to come or the rain to go, a yes or a no.
When you find yourself in this waiting place, and you will, hone your ability to recognise that this is where you are. Determine what you are waiting for, a performance outcome, a promotion, recognition of your effort, a commitment on a deal…..once you have identified your waiting trap commit to doing something to influence progression.
If you are waiting for a performance outcome put effort into action that will influence it. Identify the lead behaviour and set about delivering it.
If you are waiting for a promotion, reach out for a meeting with the person who can influence it.
If you are waiting for recognition, outline your effort and seek feedback
If you are waiting on commitment to a deal, follow up.
The waiting place is a place of dwelling and giving up control, recognising when you or your team are in the waiting place early and moving to action is a key leadership strength. Take proactive steps to move your team from the waiting place to the action place, this where the good stuff happens.
In a place of action, you take back control and any step will lead to a new direction, waiting for action to find you is wasted energy. So go out there and find the action that you need to stop waiting.